Rainwear & shell clothes
Kids waterproofs
In Sweden we have a saying that goes “there are no bad weathers, only bad clothes”. Well, we couldn’t agree more. Don’t let the weather stop the kids' outdoor adventures – gear them up with waterproof, durable, and play-friendly outerwear. Weatherproof them with our selection of kids' waterproofs, such as boys and girls rain jackets, children's raincoats and waterproof trousers.Which type of rainwear should I get?
This is a question that many parents ask themselves when it's time to tick off the checklist for preschool. We have rainwear with great features and below are some examples.
Rain clothes with a plastic-coated surface, in combination with welded seams, are well suited for jumping in puddles and also withstands a lot of dirt, as you can simply rinse off the dirt from the smooth surface. At Lindex, you’ll find fleece lined rainwear for children suitable for the slightly colder months as well as unlined rainwear that is more suitable for spring and summer. However, plastic-coated rainwear has no natural breathability and does not wick away sweat that may form on the inside.
Shell clothes are waterproof and windproof, just like coated garments, but the difference is that the fabric breathes and can thus transport sweat away from the inside. Invest in shell jackets, shell trousers or shell overalls with a high water column, so the children can continue playing outside when the weather changes from sun to rain. Shell clothes work most of the year and with wool and fleece layers underneath, you can quickly adjust the warmth of your little one.
Water column and breathable fabrics
What does water column mean? When measuring the waterproofness of outerwear, the material is subjected to different water pressures. The higher the water column, the longer you can stay outside in heavy rain. A garment with a water column of 2000 mm can handle rain for a shorter period, while 10,000 mm can handle rain for a significantly longer period. Taped seams and smart functions such as reinforcements at the back and on the knees ensure that the garments keep moisture on the outside.